Monsters Weekly 252 - Building a WebComponent

In a previous episode, we looked at how we can use the Template element to reuse a block of HTML. Now, let’s take that a step further and use a few other native browser technologies (Shadow DOM, Custom Elements, and Slots) to build a Web Component.

Shadow DOM -
Custom Elements -
Templates and Slots -

Previous Episode:

Monsters Weekly 251 - Reviewing Contributions to GenFu

We have some outstanding pull requests to the GenFu project. In today’s episode, we take some time to review those PRs and get them merged in.

Monsters Weekly 250 - Command Line Parameter Suggestions with DragonFruit

Hitting tab to suggest a parameter to your console app is made easy with dotnet-suggest and the console API tooling. Join James and Dave as they have a look at getting suggestions running on your dotnet apps.

Thanks to viewer OzBob for this suggestion!

A link to the Lemonade (DrinkStand) project:

Here’s the info you need to install and enable suggestions in your shell:

Monsters Weekly 248 - Choosing a SQL Hosting Option On Azure

There are a ton of options for hosting your SQL server on Azure. Each is slightly different so how can you know which one is right? We have some answers for that!

Show links
Elastic Query ep 190 -

Monsters Weekly 247 - HTML Template Element

We don’t always need a framework like React/Vue/Angular to add interactive behaviour to our web pages. The browser provides some handy features that can make it easy to add simple interactions. One example is the template element. Let’s take a look at how to use it to dynamically inject elements into a page.

Template Element -

Monsters Weekly 246 - Don't use OpenWriteAsync() ... probably

When it comes to performance, it’s important to test our assumptions. In today’s episode, David walks us through his failed attempt to optimize uploading files to blob storage. In this case, fewer allocations doesn’t translate to better performance because there’s a lot more going on inside BlockBlockClient’s OpenWriteAsync() method than we thought.

Previous Episode
Performance of .NET JSON Serialization (#242) -

Monsters Weekly 244 - Run GitHub Actions Locally

Writing a new GitHub Actions workflow and want to save the embarrassment of a dozen failed builds displayed prominently on GitHub? Well ACT is here to save you. Run your GitHub actions locally using the Act CLI. Get that workflow in a working state before pushing your code to GitHub.

That’s right folks! Locally sourced, artisanal workflows!

Act -

Monsters Weekly 243 - Request Body Compression

Compressing the body of requests isn’t done very commonly but if you’re sending a lot of data to the server from the front end it may be desirable to shrink it. In this episode we use pako ( to compress the body of a request reducing the size by 90%


Monsters Weekly 241 - Reimagining Lemonade Stand

Here we’re going to dive in to the classic ‘Lemonade Stand’ game and reimagine it as a whole new adventure in our cloud-based (and VR-based) world. Have ideas to share? What could be done to this app to make it waaaaaaaay over the top?

Check out the repo here: