The Monsters Weekly - Episode 7 'Custom Tag Helpers'

Back in Episode 4 we looked at tag helpers in the Razor View Engine that make some of the lifting we need to do a little lighter when crafting our views. In this edition of the Monsters Weekly we’ll go a little further and create a custom tag helper.

Tips for Speeding Up Visual Studio

People, this is 2016. If you’re waiting on your project to build or feel like your IDE is sluggish, it’s time to inventory and make sure you have the optimal configuraiton for development rig. Let’s talk quickly about the things that make your machine go fast (or slow) and some simple tweaks that can get your builds moving along more quickly.

Launching VS in Safe Mode

The Monsters Weekly - Episode 6 'JSON Data and The Options Pattern'

Now that we’ve wrapped our heads around the basics of configuration in ASP.NET Core, let’s start to take control of our appliaction settings. In this episode, we’re looking at a pattern and leveraging the framework to get strongly-typed settings as objects at runtime.

The Monsters Weekly - Episode 6 'JSON Data and The Options Pattern'

Now that we’ve wrapped our heads around the basics of configuration in ASP.NET Core, let’s start to take control of our appliaction settings. In this episode, we’re looking at a pattern and leveraging the framework to get strongly-typed settings as objects at runtime.

The Monsters Weekly - Episode 1 - Startup.cs

Well, here we go! This is the inaugural installment of The Monsters Weekly, where we take you up, down through and over all the aspects of ASP.NET Core and Core MVC. In our first episode, we're covering the startup.cs class and what happens as our application loads.

Not sure where to start in ASP.NET Core? Well, in startup.cs, of course. We run the file top-to-bottom covering some basic configuration, dependency injection, browser link, database error pages, service configuration and the Julie Lerman of Canada. This is an intro - we cover a lot of ground at 30,000 feet, but don't worry, we'll be breaking it down in the weeks ahead.

Be sure to follow the Monsters on Twitter and check out the blog for related posts.

The production code for this video is VG.

The Monsters Weekly - Episode 5 'Configuration Settings'

Your first impression of configuration in ASP.NET Core may be that a tyrant of a coyote with ACME corporate sponsorship laid into the system with a box of explosives. You wouldn’t be wrong, but here’s why it was the right thing to do.

The Monsters Weekly - Episode 5 'Configuration Settings'

Your first impression of configuration in ASP.NET Core may be that a tyrant of a coyote with ACME corporate sponsorship laid into the system with a box of explosives. You wouldn’t be wrong, but here’s why it was the right thing to do.

The Monsters Weekly - Episode 4 'Tag Helpers in Razor'

Ready for a great new feature in ASP.NET Core MVC? The Razor view engine now supports a concept called “Tag Helpers” that dramatically reduces the “c-sharp-iness” of your view and gives you something that looks a lot more like HTML. Dave, that Monster, constrasts this to the earlier incarnation known as HTML Helpers.

The Monsters Weekly - Episode 4 'Tag Helpers in Razor'

Ready for a great new feature in ASP.NET Core MVC? The Razor view engine now supports a concept called “Tag Helpers” that dramatically reduces the “c-sharp-iness” of your view and gives you something that looks a lot more like HTML. Dave, that Monster, constrasts this to the earlier incarnation known as HTML Helpers.

The Monsters Weekly - Episode 3 'Default Gulp File'

Here comes Episode 3 of The Monsters Weekly, and with it our run down of the default Gulp file in your ASP.NET Core application. Monster Dave walks us through Gulp, some node bits, package management, and how to sort all this out in our new ecosystem.