The Monsters Weekly - Episode 59 - The Razor View Engine with Taylor Mullen

In today's episode, we learn about Razor from special guest Taylor Mullen. Taylor works for Microsoft on the ASP.NET team where he works on the Razor view engine.

Regardless of whether or not you've been on MVC for some time, or if you've continued on with Web Forms, chances are you seen or worked with Razor. Further odds suggest that you may have learned syntax, but a lot of folks (Monsters included!) still had questions about the inner workings.

Why are there different ways to switch to code? How can I be more terse in my syntax? More explicit? And where have the bumblebees gone? Fire up Visual Studio and mash along with us as we dive into the details of Razor syntax.

For more information on topics in this episode:

Be sure to check out Taylor on Twitter.